Derecho Familiar

Expertos en divorcios, custodia y herencias. Tu tranquilidad es nuestra prioridad en cada caso.

Derecho de Familia

Ofrecemos asesoría legal en divorcios, separaciones y custodia de menores con profesionalismo y dedicación.

Wooden letter tiles spell out the words 'PROBATE' and 'LAWYER' on a Scrabble board. The board features a grid with colored squares marked with different point values such as 'Double Word Score' and 'Triple Letter Score'.
Wooden letter tiles spell out the words 'PROBATE' and 'LAWYER' on a Scrabble board. The board features a grid with colored squares marked with different point values such as 'Double Word Score' and 'Triple Letter Score'.
Neon signage with the words 'Families Belong Together' is mounted on a wall, illuminated in bright colors. Shadows cast dramatic patterns on the wall, and the scene includes a silhouette of a person wearing a cap in the foreground.
Neon signage with the words 'Families Belong Together' is mounted on a wall, illuminated in bright colors. Shadows cast dramatic patterns on the wall, and the scene includes a silhouette of a person wearing a cap in the foreground.
Divorcios y Separaciones

Asesoramos en procesos de divorcio y separación, garantizando tus derechos y los de tus hijos.

Custodia de Menores

Brindamos apoyo legal en casos de custodia, asegurando el bienestar y los derechos de los menores.

El equipo de Cyv Legal me ayudó en mi divorcio y custodia de mis hijos. Su profesionalismo y empatía hicieron la diferencia en un momento difícil.

María López

An indoor wedding ceremony with a bride in a white dress and a groom in a dark suit standing before a priest. The setting is a church with arched windows and brick walls. A child in a white robe stands nearby holding a book.
An indoor wedding ceremony with a bride in a white dress and a groom in a dark suit standing before a priest. The setting is a church with arched windows and brick walls. A child in a white robe stands nearby holding a book.
